ChemDrex Water Bore Screens

Water bore screens are custom designed and manufactured as required in our Queensland Factory. They are carefully packaged and dispatched via the best and quickest method to meet the clients Request. Single screen lengths are generally kept to 6m or less.

“No single component affects maintenance, long –term performance and long life of your Bore more than your bore screen.” Chemdrex Chemicals are pleased to be a supplier of Stainless Steel Wedge-Wire Screens. Stainless Steel Screens are the strongest, most durable and most efficient on the market and they can be designed to meet any installation requirement. Whether it is small or large diameter, shallow or very deep installation, good or bad quality water, potable or non potable waters. Compatible fittings are attached for correct quick and safe assembly in the field, or job site.

In association with, Australian Manufacturer Condamine Well Screens Pty Ltd, Chemdrex Chemicals assist in the design, and supply of Wedge Wire Screens, to the Water Bore Drilling, Mining and Manufacturing Industries.

For the best advice and competitive quotes, please contact us at: 61 2 4256 6569, 0419 243 637